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Initiatory Times on Earth

Demand Wild & Mysterious Quests

Wherever YouAre In The Journey


 A Skilled Guide Knows The Terrain

EcoCentric and SoulCentric
Council, Mentorship, Eldering With Palika
Earth needs wild, whole, mature and visionary humans now! Partner with me in these Soulcraft and Psycho Spiritual Maturation Pathways to move beyond mere symptom relief or self improvement, and vocational or social development - embrace your birthright to Become Fully Wildly Human on the Journey To Soul. Inner Tracking, Rewilding, Deep Nature Connection, Wild Wanders, Medicine Drum Journey, Dreamwork, Deep Imagery, Wild Mind, Conversations That Matter, Somatic and Creative Process, Storytelling, Grief & Gratitude, Pyschodrama, Council, Mirroring, Ceremony, Shadow Work, Vision Quest. All in service to your Innate Wholing, Self Healing, EcoAwakening, The Soul Journey, True Adulthood, and Rewilding Your  Ecovisionary Leadership & Participation with the Circle of Life!
CLICK HERE to Schedule Your Free 30 Minute Discovery  Session Now!

Partner with Palika in your evolutionary awakening and empowerment. These are initiatory times on Earth - we are being called to ecological and psycho spiritual maturation - to become fully human and partner with Earth in a life affirming culture. We need mature adults with all of their emotional somatic imaginal social intuitive intellectual and ecological literacies intact and activated. These times invite you to go beyond assuaging symptoms and dysfunction to embrace your birthright of ecological and pscyho spiritual maturity in the Journey To Soul.  I offer wise and skillfull Eldering, and nature immersed psycho spiritual mentorship and support towards your blossoming as an eco and soul centric adult human. We embrace and begin where you are in the developmental journey of Nature, Culture &Soul. I walk with a deep and wide evolutionary basket of maps, tools and practices for reclaiming, rewilding, healing and wholing, human development, the journey to soul and offering your life as a gift to the World as only you can.

My medicine basket is filled with skillfull, diverse, resilient weaving of professional trainings and pan cultural earth rooted connection and awareness practices that form the root of my service: Ecopsychology, Spiritual Ecology, Depth Psychology, Mythopoetics, EcoFeminism, IFS, Hakomi, Mindfulness Based Somatics, Creative Process, Wild Mind, Soulcraft (TM Bill Plotkin), Deep Self Nurturance, Singing Dance and Drumming, Compassionate Communication, Hendricks Conscious Living and Loving, Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects, Permaculture and Regenerative Design, Deep Nature Connection, Decolonizing From Patriarchy, Sacred Sexuality, Red Tent, Gender and Sex Activism, Monastic Tradition. I have traveled through ancestral shadow and wounding, child fear and terror, adolescent hubris, death and birth, parenthood, marriage, monastic training, cultural betrayal, the unknown, and wild connection and the incredible underworld Journey to Soul. I've befriended discomfort, shed tears, crawled on hands and knees, communed in ecstasy, met perfect lostness, embraced great grief, and precious wonder - all of it - I offer now to help you GROW A WONDER FULL LIFE!
All Mentoring Sessions are 70 luxurious minutes of curious attention, compassionate tending and mirroring, wild honesty, skillful tracking, and fiercely loving committment to hold these six golden psychospiritual threads with you: Completing Human Developmental Tasks (cultural and eco spiritual), Healing and integrating protective Childhood Survival Strategies and Personas, Restoring Facets of Innate Indigenous Wholeness, EcoCentric Awakening, your unique Soul Journey and Initiation, and crossing the threshold into True Soulcentric Human Adulthood, Gifting to, and Participating with the World and Cosmos. Tending these branches of our Psyche and Heart insures unparalleled joy, the deepest belonging to the Earth Community, and delicious participation in the regenerative, resilient, sentient Web of LIfe. With Soul and the Blue Green Pearl as your Center of Gravity, relationships with Self, Others and World thrive while inviting others to thrive too.

I am committed to confidentiality, warm compassion, curiosity, courage, faith, focused tending and love. All session are in our local wilds if we work in person and in the online wilds for those across distant lands.

You Are Who The World Is Waiting For - Join Me!

  • Wander into the Inscendent Landscape of Psyche, Wild and Mystery

  • Dive into the Pearl Laden Underworld

  • Step Into Your Visionary Eco Leadership and Artisan of Cultural Change

  • Court Love and Awe For Earth and Life

  • Journey of Soul Initiation

  • Restore Deep Nature Connection

  • Move Through LIfe With Curiosity and Wonder as Primal Response

  • Presence, Being With What Is, Widening Your Capacity for Allowance, Increase Comfort With Discomfort

  • Learn To Stay and Soften Instead of Numbing, Avoiding, Resisting, Fleeing

  • Arouse Your Inner Tracker and Perpetual Learner

  • Rewild Your Psyche and  Animal Body

  • Animate Forgotten Sensory, Somatic, Emotional, Imaginal and Heart Mind Ways of Knowing and Loving

  • Whole & Restore Indigenous Facets of Wholeness - Nurturative Generative Adult, Wild Indigenous One, Trickster/Sage, Muse/Beloved

  • Develop Empathy, Love and Curiosity for All the Wounded Parts of Self and Others

  • Self Heal - Discover, Acknowledge, Thank, Integrate and Learn from Loyal Soldiers and Childhood Survival Strategies

  • Reclaim Parts of Soul and Self Banished to Shadow

  • Shift Energy When You Are Reactive and  Triggered

  • Reclaim SoulMate, God, Sinister and Golden Projections

  • Court Your Inner Beloved

  • Discover the Power of Nature Based Dreamwork, Deep Imagery, Ceremony

  • Converse Across the Species Boundary

  • Cultivate the Art of Grief and Praise

  • Learn To Create Sacred Space and Experience Everwhere As Holy

  • Apprentice to Heart Based Compassionate Communication

  • Free Yourself from the Drama Triangle (Victim, Villain, Hero/ine Blame Game)

  • Take Responsibility for You - Needs, Emotions, Value, Creative Expression, Longings, Choices, Learning

  • Release Agendas, Control, Need To Be Right, Need to Win, Power Over, Comparing and Contrasting,

  • Experience How Vulnerability, Transparency, Honesty, Curiosity Creates Intimacy and Connection

  • Deepen Your Partnership With Your Medicine Drum 

  • Magnify Awareness of the Miraculousness of The WEb of Life

  • Play and Pray With Life, Love, Beauty, and Possibility

  • Grow Your Wonder Full Life

Begin A Conversation That Matters

You, Nature, Mystery


"I have been fortunate to witness Palika's presence and abilities as a nature-based soul guide, as well as receive her guidance. Palika's strengths are numerous. Her capacity for compassionate, deep listening and clear mirroring have been an indispensable gift to me during times of traversing some of the most challenging and enlivening inner territory I've encountered thus far in my life. She is wise to the landscape of soul, having navigated her own inner wilderness for decades. Her knowledge of the deep human terrain shines particularly through her ability to ask fierce and loving quest-ions that bring others to the heart of their own greatest longings and one-of-a-kind gifts for the world.


Palika is also undeniably and profoundly connected to the web of life and the larger story unfolding on this planet during this time of unprecedented upheaval and crisis. From this powerful perspective she is able to guide others in recognizing their true place of belonging within the living web, helping them to step out of the smallness of personal and cultural stories, and into a story that acknowledges and celebrates our interdependence in the Circle of Life. Palika's work has made a significant difference in my life and the lives of others, and for this I am truly grateful."


Erica Rhinehart, Nature-based Soul Guide

A Free Discovery Session is yours for the asking.

What is the biggest conversation you are longing to begin?

Sliding Scale Available

© All Copyrights Reserved by Artist Palika Rewilding and Wild Mythos Drums™
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