Inspired by You Custom Wild Mythos Drum

This journey for your own custom painted Wild Mythos drum begins with an hourlong exploratory Discovery Session by phone, for me to deeply listen to the patterns of your current psycho spiritual journey with Nature and your own Soul. I also want to understand what's calling you to dive more deeply into a soulful relationship with a painted Medicine Drum at this time.
Together we'll explore the underbelly of the big questions and the conversations that matter, as well as the breakthroughs and breakdowns, creative inspirations, mysteries, dreams and
shadows, and inspiration moving you, to inspire a powerful custom gateway image just for you on a medicine drum.
At the time of our Discovery Session we will also determine what kind of drum you are called to - either a shamanic style struck with a mallet or a frame drum style for hand playing. Before our Discovery Session, you put down a $500 deposit in good faith for us to go forward in the custom drum painting process.
I will let all these threads stir my own imagination and connection with Mystery to hear and see what image wants to manifest on a Wild Mythos Sacred Drum of Power with an intention for this custom painted drum, to speak deeply and meaningfully to you. I also take in any email information you share with me about dreams or experiences that come up after the seeding of our Discovery Session. I trust that what comes through will inspire your heart and soul and give you courage to embrace whatever Soul and Mystery offer you towards becoming more fully yourself, and towards serving the Earth by your soulful contribution to the Greater Good.
When I have painted the Wild Mythos Drum via this "Inspired by You" - deep listening process, you will have first rights of refusal. Meaning, if this Wild Mythos Drum is calling to you deeply and exciting your Soul, it's yours to buy, and if not you aren't obligated to purchase it and I promptly refund your good faith deposit of $500 LESS THE DISCOVERY SESSION FEE OF $108 - within 5 business days of your refusal.
PRICING - Your price for the Inspired By You Custom Wild Mythos Painted Drum is dependent on 3 factor. The factors are:
1. cost of the drum you choose: range from $55 - $450
2. the coverage and detail of custom painting on the drum - central image, just border, full face painting, $800-$2000.
Sample Drum Costs.
Remo Fiberskyn hand frame drums 16-22" diameter will run between $45 to $75
Remo Fiberskyn Buffalo Drums 14-16" diameter run between $68 to $78.
Higher quality frame and shamanic drums from Meinl, Coopermans, Remo, or the Middle East or hand crafted with synthetic or animal skin heads, will run $100-$450.
Hand crafted Native American drums of various animal hides and sizes run $225 - $399.
Shipping and insurance are additional. All recipients of a Wild Mythos Drum are required to sign the Artist Copyright and Use Protection Agreement before I'll ship. The artwork in any form or use is exclusively copyrighted to myself and Wild Mythos Drums.
The process for me of channeling and painting a mythopoetic image can take from 8-16 weeks after our Discovery Session. All of the Wild Mythos Drums I paint are taken into a Welcoming and Listening Ceremony in the Wild with me before they go to their new purpose partners. I hold that each drum is a sentient Being yearning to be in sacred and serving partnership with a One committed to working for the Greater Good in the world in these times.
Say YES now to awaken more deeply to your participation in the Dream of Earth in partnership with a Wild Mythos hand painted Medicine Drum. I'm am delighted to offer this custom painted drum process for you and smitten by the numinous beauty and mystery in the Blue Green Pearl Who is ever my inspiration and home. I give thanks.
Post the $500 deposit to get started and I'll schedule our Discovery Session promptly!

This Wild Mythos Drum, "Shapeshifter AnemYoni" came into being through this Inspired By You Custom Wild Mythos Drum process. The client is completely ecstatic with "who" came through me for her. This is a sample of full coverage custom painting valued at $1500, the drum is $55 for $1555 total.